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If you would like to speak to one of our specialists prior to sending us your resume, please call the relevant team using the contact details below. Our consultants will be more than happy to answer any queries you may have.
Our specialist divisions:
Construction: 01772 208 967-construction@servicecare.org.uk
Criminal Justice: 01772 208 962-criminaljustice@servicecare.org.uk
Healthcare: 01772 208 963-healthcare@servicecare.org.uk
Legal & Finance: 01772 208 969-legal@servicecare.org.uk
Sales & Business Support: 01772 208 952-salesjobs@servicecare.org.uk
Social Housing: 01772 208 966-housing@servicecare.org.uk
Social Work: 01772 208 964-socialwork@servicecare.org.uk
Education: 01772 208 952-education@servicecare.org.uk
Or, find the consultant operating in your area by visiting our consultants page.