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Making a Difference to Dementia

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 4 years ago
  • Author:by Nicole Royles

This week is Dementia Awareness Week, which is a national event to encourage people to take action and to help raise awareness for people affected by dementia.

Dementia is a devastating illness which affects the brain from functioning normally. In the UK, it is estimated that 850,000 people are living with dementia. Unfortunately, despite how common the condition is the awareness, support and services are still limited, with it suggested that nearly 1 million individuals and their families are going without much support.

Royal Preston Hospital are raising awareness and providing information by creating an initiative that will help provide vital information to patients, carers, members of the general public and staff members. This includes a dementia resource corridor which will be a hub for dementia awareness events and will showcase services and information.

Service Care Solutions are supporting this initiative by funding a wall mounted 'pledge tree', which will be placed on the dementia resource corridor. It will incorporate pledges from members of the public, PLWD, carers, Dementia Champions and other staff . This will not only help raise awareness, but also provide vital information about services and networks available for those who need it. 

As well as this, dementia awareness training is being arranged for some of our staff to ensure that they /us are well equipped to support those around us who may be susceptible to the disease in the future. 

If there is just one thing you do this week to get involved with Dementia Awareness Week, we ask that you make yourself aware of what dementia is and how it affects people. You can find lots of information from the Alzheimer’s Society on their website. Take a small step to make a big difference.

I have recently joined Service Care Solutions as HR Coordinator and have also been appointed as a member of the company's CSR (corporate social responsibility) committee. I am passionate about helping others and it's great to work for a business that shares the same values as me and holds CSR in such high regard.

If you would like to join us here at Service Care Solutions, we have a variety of social work jobs available right now - from Recruitment Consultant to Payroll Executive. Please contact us if you would like more information on any of these roles. 

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