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5 Ways to Be More Green in the Workplace

  • Publish Date: Posted over 5 years ago
  • Author:by Josh Holland

This may not be the most interesting topic for a lot of us but it may help imagining it being read in the voice of David Attenborough

I know a lot of people point out that unless the big corporations make a change or you live in a tree house in the middle of nowhere then the little things you are doing do not make a difference. This is not the case! Every little action helps and adds up.

If we all start doing a little bit at a time, then we can make the earth more sustainable for the future but also save you money right now!

Please see below 5 ways that you can be that little bit more green at work:

Do you really need to print that?

•Think before you print

•Can the information be read or stored online instead?
•Can you print on both sides of the paper?
•Avoid colour printing where possible.

Use reusable water bottles and mugs

•Disposable Bottles/mugs are found all over land fills
•You will save money from having to continuously buy the plastic bottles of water
•A lot of coffee shops also offer discounts if you use a reusable mug

Use Reusable containers for your lunch

•This has many benefits including saving you money as it can be expensive buying your lunch everyday
•You can also be more inventive with what you eat rather than the same old sandwich or soup from the supermarket
If you do forget your lunch, then do make sure to recycle any disposable containers where possible

Change the way you commute to work

•Can you take the bus/train instead of driving?
Can you car-share instead? 
•Changing the way you commute, if possible, can save you money and lower your emissions at the same time
•If you live walking distance from work, then it is also great for your mental/physical health to enjoy the fresh air

Use the stairs instead of the lifts

•Lift use a lot of energy to travel back and forth between floors

•Taking the stairs will save energy as well as being good for your physical health

There are lots of articles online if you are ever interested in finding out more. Maybe a bit of bed time reading!

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